Friday 22 November 2013

Mouse Lip Syncing Animation

We were given the task to create a character, we choose a mouse, and a phrase to record and put along to the images of the mouse. We choose to use and existing recording of 'Morgan Freeman'.

To show the mouth moving in what was suppose to be real moth movements we had pictures of different mouth formations that are made when different sounds are spoken. To do this we had work out all the phonetic sounds that made up our phrase 'I am Morethan Freeman, thank you for listening.'

After we discovered which mouth formations we needed we had to cut these out and label them (to remember which letter they represented) and then put them over the drawing of the mouse and take pictures of  each of the mouths on the mouse. Then we were able to upload them to the computer and put them in to final cut where we could edit the image along to the recording. This didn't work terribly well as we didn't think about how each sound and moth movement are made for different lengths of time. Where as we just put all the images for the same duration this is why it does not sync up 100% correctly.

However this was our first try and I think if we did this again we could get a better final video.

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