Monday 25 November 2013

Foley sounds animation

For this task we were shown an existing animation called 'Paper' we were then given the task to create our own Foley sounds to go along to this short film, in groups.

We started by watching the film individually and made a list of everything in it that we thought we needed to and should make a sound for. We then made a final list with input form everyone in the group.

Then we had to start recording these sounds. We were able to make the most of these sounds from within the class room, which meant it was not as difficult as we thought, although we did have to get everyone quiet while we recorded our sounds on the Tascam. Which proved harder than we anticipated!

We soon realised that just recording short sound effects would mean that we would have big gaps of complete silence, which is un realistic to life and also sounds weird. So we had to record about 2 minuets of people being silent in the room and just the sounds of the room, this didn't work to well however as there were people coming and going and you could also here people talking in the corridor opposite.

Then we had to edit these sounds and put them against the video footage in final cut. This took some time as the short film is quite long, because of this we decided to have it end earlier than in the original, but I think this was a good decision as it made ours different to the original. However we could of cut down on editing time if we had used better recording techniques. As for example when recording things such as the scream, the footsteps, the sighs etc. we could have made the sound effects along to the film meaning that they were all in time with the movements of the character. Also we could have recorded the Foley sounds in the order that they happened in the animation, this would have cut down on the time it took to find the sounds that went with the corresponding action. Alternatively we could have also said allowed what sound we were recording this would have also cut down on the time it took to find them.

However overall I am pleased with how our version of 'Paper' turned out, especially considering it was our first time experimenting and creating Foley sounds.

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