Sunday 26 January 2014

Skittles Advert Feedback

Survey Results

Question 1: Was Skittles portrayed in a positive way? 

I was pleased with the responses to this question as it was clear that everyone who responded thought we had made skittles appealing and portrayed the brand in a positive way. This was good as it showed that if people viewed our advert they would be inclined to buy skittles. However a big part of our target audience was children and we couldn't get any responses from children so we can only assume from the responses we got that they would feel the same.

Question 3: Did the persona of Skittles come
                   across in the advert?

I was very pleased with the response to this advert as it showed that our main objective for the advert was successful as we were able to get the persona of skittles across in the advert. This was important to us because we wanted people to know what we were advertising and we wanted them to be able to be able to believe that this could be a real advert for skittles, which its clear they did. However there was one person who disagreed, which tells me it could have been more effective.

Question 4: How did the advert make you feel?

Most people who responded to this advert said that it made them feel happy, which was the general mood we were going for. There was even someone who said they thought it was magical, these set of results are positive however there was one person who responded saying it made them feel sad, this was not a positive result as it was not our intention to make people feel sad however as only one person out of 9 said that I feel that it was not the majority of peoples opinion or thoughts on the advert. So overall I think this still was a good response to our advert.

Question 5: Did you like the concept of the advert?

This was really helpful as we were worried that the concept of the advert might not come across however I can see from the responses to this question that this clearly wasn't the case. Which is a really good thing as it proves our doubts wrong and tells us that they liked the basic idea of the advert.

Question 6: Was the story line clear in the advert?

The responses to this question were mixed as although 6 people said it was clear a third of the people we asked said it didn't. This means perhaps if we reviewed the advert again we would see that maybe the story line of the advert could be clearer. I could see how people that have never seen the advert before maybe confused with the transitions into the 'Skittles World'. However the majority of people said that it was clear.

Question 7: Did you feel like the music helped to
                   create the atmosphere?

Again the responses to this were helpful as I chose the soundtrack and wasn't sure if it would work with the advert. But this shows that my suspicions were wrong and that everyone who responded thought that the music did help create the atmosphere.

Question 8: Was the duration of the advert too long?

This aspect of the aspect was one that we were unsure of when it came to editing. Weren't sure how long to make our advert we new the maximum and minimum it had to be but weren't sure what the ideal length for our target audience was. These results tell us that although those who responded weren't our exact target audience they still felt it wasn't too long. I can see why some felt it was too long though as maybe some people have shorter attention spans and thats something we should think about next time.

Question 9: Did you feel like the advert followed
                   the 12 Principles of Animation?

These responses were very positive as every who answered said they felt as though we followed the 12 Principles of Animation. However no one specified what principles specifically we used or which we didn't and should of done etc. So it is hard to know how well people thought we incorporated all of them.

Interview Results 

Interview of the 6 year old:

What did you like about the advert? I liked the boy and the background of sky.
How did the advert make you feel? It made me feel happy.
What didn't you like about the advert? Nothing.
Tell me about the advert: The boy walked up and sat on a bench and got skittles from his pocket which                                he started eating. 
He lay on a towel with stuff moving around. Then there was a blanket over him and it finished.

Interview of the 4 year old:

What did you like about the advert? I liked the end bit where the boy said something.
How did he advert make you feel? Good.
What didn't you like about the advert? I didn't like it when he ate something.
Tell me about the advert: The boy ate something and then he's in bed he lies down and shuts his eyes then opens it.


The interview took place with two children around the ages of our key demographic, to get the truest responses. They both seemed to show that they enjoyed the advert saying it made them 'feel happy' and 'good'. They also both seemed be able to remember the advert quite clearly, which shows that it wasn't to confusing for our target audience.

Advert Comparison

Existing Skittles Advert:

This advert used by skittles is based around a simple idea, and directly includes the product in the advert, as everything he touches turns into skittles. This advert works well because of the humorous concept, that everything someone touches turns into skittles. It is also a very light hatred advert as well, one that would be appealing to children as they would find it funny when he breaks his desk etc.
I think that it is this humorous element that appeals to children, which is also present in our skittles advert as we show our person travelling through a world that is cartoon like and comedic.
However a main difference between this advert and the one we made is that the existing skittles advert focusses on skittles being a great product, so much so that people think its awesome that someone can turn anything into skittles and our advert focusses more on the effects, or rather how skittles make you feel so our advert would perhaps be used when the skittles brand was first starting out to try and entice people to try skittles. And then the existing advert is good as it builds on the idea that everyone already knows what skittles are and how good they are.

Overall, after analysing the existing skittles advert I feel that our advert follows a similar suit I could defiantly see it fitting in to the skittles brand and being an advert that they would show.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Research Report

Research Report by mgm4000330

Production Schedule

Production Plan by mgm4000330

Location Recce

Location Recce by mgm4000330

Release Form

Release Form by mgm4000330

Copyright Statement

Statement of Copyright

Copyright law is a legal concept that is used to protect original work and grant the creator of it exclusive right to its use and distribution usually for a specific length of time, and receive compensation for their work. Generally the “right to copy” determines who may: be credited for the work, decide who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work and who may financially benefit from it. It is a form of intellectual property like the patent, the trademark etc. applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information.

In my project I have already considered and thought about copyright laws and that is why when it came to choosing a music track for my advert I chose one that was un-copyrighted off the site I have discovered a potential issue within my project is that I shall clearly be showing of the brand ‘Vans’ thought my advert and this a copyrighted brand as are their products.

However in this case this will not infringe with copyright law as my project is for coursework therefore it is used for educational purposes only.


Budget by mgm4000330